There are approximately 1 million doctors in America with
250,000 of them paying $420 annual dues to The American Medical
There is a difference between real estate agents and Realtors.
Realtors pay dues and are members of their association whereas agents don’t.
They pay a little over $500 per year and have a PAC just like we do with
IFAPAC. They are the largest lobby of the professions with around 1 million
members nationally. In fact the Pierce County Realtor Association has 1100
members, over 200 more than NAIFA WA.
Lawyers are required to pay dues of $355 per year to The
American Bar Association or lose their license. From the yellow pages there
must be as many lawyers as doctors but maybe not as many as Realtors and real
estate agents.
Washington teachers pay $80 per month ($960 annual) and have
no choice in the matter. I am thinking that the typical lawyer, doctor, realtor
and insurance agent/financial rep make substantially more money than teachers
yet pay much less in dues.
There are 15,000 life and disability agents in Washington
according to the commissioner’s office but only 850 of them are dues paying
members of NAIFA Washington. This doesn’t count any financial advisors that may
not be insurance licensed.
Now that we know what is going on with other professional
associations I challenge you to take just a bit of time to ask a non-member
agent/advisor to join NAIFA, their own professional association. Remind them of
our mission and the impact NAIFA membership will have on their own career as
well as our profession in the eyes of legislators.
Thank you for your membership and may God bless your
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