Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2015 March/April LILI

“WANTED:  LILI Candidates for Class of 2015”

Do you want to take your business
to the NEXT level? 

Ø  Current 2015 NAIFA Washington State Leaders that are LILI Graduates:  8 of the 11!

Ø  70 percent of LILI graduates report a measurable increase in the growth of their business.

The Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) curriculum is based on the leadership writings of Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, Jim Collins, and Kouzes & Posner.

What Will You Gain as a NAIFA LILI Graduate?

1.    Creative and effective methods to develop and execute a business plan

2.    Tools and techniques that enhance your practice

3.    Increased productivity

4.    Enhanced personal vision and mission statements and guiding principles

5.    Improved professional and personal relationships

6.    Increased understanding of one's self

7.    Long-lasting bonds with classmates and LILI Alumni

Requirements for LILI

1.    NAIFA Member

2.    Attend six one-day sessions

3.    Complete required assignments

4.    Commit to two years of service as a NAIFA Leader

5.    Pay student tuition / Check with your Local President as they may help with Registration!

6.    Be prepared to mentor and leave a leadership legacy

NAIFA Washington Class

·        Cost:  $750  (due with application-check or credit card)

o   Student guide

o   4 textbooks

o   The One Page Business Plan®

o   The Kolb Learning Style Inventory

o   Journal

o   Certificate & certificate holder

·        Class Limited to 8 students

·        Institute consists of Six Sessions over six months

·        Start Date:  MAY 2015

·        Location:  Determined by the make-up of the class participants!

·        Moderator:  Sharon Sparling

The online application can be completed and emailed to me at Sharon@ssparling.com or Linda Fox, NAIFA Washington at office@naifawashington.org   You can also print the application and mail to:
NAIFA Washington
Linda Fox
7717 – 50th Avenue, SE
Lacey, WA 98513

There’s a lot here but I think it’s important for you to know so you can make your decision to join the over 2000 LILI graduates around the country.  Remember the class is limited to only 8 students so get your application in ASAP!

I’d like to have a starting date at the end MAY!  Please let me know at your earliest if you decide to open the doors of opportunity both personally and professionally to a better you!

This year NAIFA Washington joined NAIFA Oregon for our 2014 Leadership In Life Institute class.  We met in Vancouver with 6 participants from Oregon.  Success is when someone lets you know LILI changed their life dramatically and their business grew beyond their expectations! 
Congratulations, Joe & Jim!! Your Journey Begins…
Joseph M. Newman, LUTCF, FIC, LCTC
James A. Scott, Sr.  LUTCF

Please contact me for LILI 2015 Class registration and information.

Sharon L. Sparling, State LILI Chair/Moderator; (360) 708-3210; Sharon@ssparling.com

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