Friday, June 3, 2016

2016 May/June Advisor 2020

I am sure a lot of you have seen the advertising on the NAIFA website, perhaps you have heard about it at the national or state convention the last few years… so what is this thing called Advisor 20/20?

The program was put together as a joint venture between GAMA and NAIFA as a way to help advisors begin to shape their practice for the years ahead. The program is taught either over the course of an 8 hour day or over a series of 1 hour long web ex presentations (stay tuned for more details on this coming from the state soon!) The goal is to help an advisor better understand the forces and opportunities that are shaping the practice of a typical financial advisor not just in 2020, but beyond. Everyone who has taken the course has a similar refrain “I had heard some of these items, or seen some of them popping up now and then in my practice, but the program forced me to look at my practice and put steps in place to have me ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow today”

Are you ready for a more diverse client base? Are you able to work across generational lines or with American citizens living in foreign countries? Are you prepared for the changes of technology in your practice? What about communicating with your clients, are you ready and able to communicate with them, the way they want to be communicated with? These and so many other questions are explored in depth during your reading and the subsequent class.

Don’t miss out on your chance to take part in what many call the best program NAIFA has offered in the last 20 years. Stay tuned for announcement of dates and locations of in person classes in the State of Washington, as well as a new web ex option coming this fall.

Stephen Good

President-Elect 2016-2017

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