In this article you will read about the Financial Services Forum held in Bellevue on October 29. 60 Reps experienced top presenters, excellent facility, great food and fellowship.
Ty Bennett spoke about the power of influence and leadership and how it affects our performance and service to clients. He was entertaining and informative to the point you knew you were listening to a top speaker. A 40 year life member of MDRT asked me to introduce Ty to him because he is going to suggest to MDRT leadership they use him for platform speaking at national meeting.
Gary Heuer told his life story “A Determined Spirit.” It was a story of amazement and admiration. Gary told it in a way to inspire us to serve more people and to do it better. He added some life sales ideas. One of our NAIFA Washington's past presidents told me that Gary’s presentation was worth the price of admission alone.
Cindy Eisenhower gave a colorful presentation on long term care that lit the fire under our rears to conduct
this conversation with our clients and prospects.
Mel Sorenson spoke for 50 minutes giving us updates on the healthcare exchanges and its status as well as other topics of importance to us and our business. He is a tremendous asset to us and our profession.
We had a special presentation by Jim Martinson on the American Lake Veterans Golf course in Lakewood and the great things they are doing for our psychologically and physically wounded veterans. He shared some of his story with us too. He is a Vietnam vet double amputee and has accomplished some amazing and remarkable things that we able bodied people could only imagine ever doing.

Hill January 29th.
Written by Kevin Gleim, LUTCF, FICF, President-Elect
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