Your attendance is needed!! Mark your calendars
NOW for the date of
January 29, 2013 and NAIFA’s
Day on the Hill. Mel Sorensen, NAIFA WA Lobbyist has the agenda/speakers are in order; we have a GOLD Sponsor, New York Life Insurance Company and all that’s left if for your Association to set appointments with your legislators and plan to be there in force!

Washington State budget is still in the red. Our industry and agents/brokers/producers are again on your legislators agenda (B&O tax increases??). The implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act is in it’s final stages for implementation by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Don’t think if you’re a Life Producer/agent/broker only, that you won’t be affected…NOT. You’ll be asked: “how this is going to work, how will ACA affect me, are there any alternatives for me?” ….you need to be informed and you need to be able to responds to your clients that you are involved on their behalf.
If you’ve never attended a NAIFA Washington “Day on the Hill” be there this year!! If you’ve attended every year…bring someone new. Important … Don’t come alone (carpool lanes are good)! Please register today and plan on being there!! Talking points and more will be sent to you prior to the event, look for them!
Andrew “Drew” Hooper is the Advocacy/Legislative Co-Chair!

Drew entered into the financial services industry in April of 2006 when he joined New York Life. Drew was fortunate to have an incredible NAIFA member mentor, Jack Thomas, who always followed the NAIFA code of ethics and encouraged Drew to do the same. Drew was excited by the opportunity NAIFA provided to network with and learn from other agents from other companies and other areas of focus. In Drew's second year with NAIFA he was elected to the board and in his third year started to move through the leadership chairs. Drew is currently serving his second term as President for NAIFA Twin Harbors and is excited to see membership growth. Drew believes that NAIFA is the backbone to our industries success and is excited to have the opportunity to help NAIFA WA develop and build successful relationships with our state and federal legislators. He is encouraged by the direction the state association is headed and hopes to assist in driving the growth of the NAIFA Federation as well as Advocating for the needs of its agents and their clients.
Please welcome him when you see him in Olympia!
If you have any questions about NAIFA Washington “Day on the Hill”, please contact me at or call me at (360) 708-3210.
Written by Sharon L. Sparling, Advocacy Chair, and Andrew "Drew" Hooper, Co-Chair
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