Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 September/October President's Message


After returning home from attending the Performance + Purpose 2016 Annual Conference in Las Vegas, it is crystal clear to me that we have the best leadership our National Association has ever had…..Period.

The NAIFA 20/20 Mission and Vision is set and ready for action.  Over the next 5 years this strategic plan will empower NAIFA, its members and the industry.

Without the NAIFA 20/20 plan, we as Insurance and Financial Advisors will have a much more difficult time protecting our clients and business in the future.

Please take the time and go to the www.naifa.org website and spend the time to review the NAIFA 20/20 plan and determine what you are going to do to continue to help our Great Association continue to stay Viable in the many years to come.

Neal Kloke
WA State President

1 comment:

  1. Well done Neal - we appreciate the efforts you make for our professional association!
