Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 September/October Sponsorship

Please let us know who your best partner is for potential sponsorship and we will contact them.  If we all follow up with one of our best relationships, we can meet our goals together! 

The Board of Directors invites you to take full advantage of the benefit-rich opportunities below. Sponsorship is a valuable way to not only show support for your local NAIFA organization but also to put your business in front of prospective customers on a consistent basis.


(Exclusive Opportunity: only one offered per year)

Recognition as Platinum Partner at all NAIFA Washington events
Includes two individual memberships to NAIFA including national, state, and local dues ($1,000 value!)
Back cover ad in the Who’s Who annual membership directory ($750 value!)
Complimentary Financial Services Forum and State Convention Exhibitor Packages ($750 value!)

Plus these additional benefits:

·        Additional admission to Financial Services Forum for 2nd member
·        Additional registration to State Convention for 2nd member
·        Special Recognition during the program as “Presenting Sponsor”
·        Option to provide marketing materials at each seat (if applicable)
·        Prominent placement of company logo on website (with a link to your website)
·        Prominent placement of company logo in e-blasts (with a link to your website)
·        Prominent placement of company logo in The Washington Advisor newsletter
·        Special Recognition at Day On The Hill
·        Additional registration to State Convention for 2nd member
·        Access to membership mailing labels (two sets per year, PRICELESS!)
·        Up to four guests may attend any NAIFA Washington event at member rates
·        Company logo and website address displayed at all events
·        Option to promote your business’s events on NAIFA Washington’s public calendar (maximum of 12 per year)

(Limited to four per year, no more than two competing businesses)
Recognition as Gold Sponsor at all NAIFA Washington events
Includes one individual membership to NAIFA including national, state, and local chapters ($500+ value!)

½ page ad in the Who’s Who annual membership directory ($400 value!)
Complimentary Financial Services Forum Exhibitor Package ($300 value!)
Complimentary State Convention Exhibitor Package ($450 value!)
Prominent placement of company logo on website (with a link to your website!)
Prominent placement of company logo in e-blasts (with a link to your website!)
Prominent placement of company logo in The Washington Advisor newsletter
Recognition at and admission to Day On The Hill
Access to membership mailing labels (one set per year, PRICELESS!)
Up to two guests of the sponsor may attend all NAIFA Washington events at member rates
Option to promote your business’s events on NAIFA Washington’s public calendar (maximum of 8 per year)

(Open to any dues-paying member)

Recognition as Silver Sponsor at all NAIFA Washington events
¼ page ad in the Who’s Who annual membership directory ($275 value!)
Complimentary Financial Services Forum Exhibitor Package ($300 value!)
Complimentary State Convention Exhibitor Package ($450 value!)
Prominent placement of company logo on website (with a link to your website!)
Prominent placement of company logo in e-blasts (with a link to your website!)
Prominent placement of company logo in The Washington Advisor newsletter
Recognition at and admission to Day On The Hill
One guest of the sponsor may attend all NAIFA Washington events at member rates
Option to promote your business’s events on NAIFA Washington’s public calendar (maximum of 4 per year)


(Available to non-dues-paying members subject to board approval.)

Company name in e-blast announcements and reminders for the event (with a link to your website!)
Company name on event page during promotion (with a link to your website!)
Company name on website main page while event is featured (with a link to your website!)
Complimentary admission to the event for one person
Recognition during the program as helping to underwrite the cost of “Day On The Hill”

(Available to non-dues-paying members subject to board approval.)

Company name in e-blast announcements and reminders for the event (with a link to your website!)
Company name on event page during promotion (with a link to your website!)
Company name on website main page while event is featured (with a link to your website!)
Display table for your signage and marketing materials during event
Complimentary admission to the event for one person
List of event attendees following the event
Recognition during the program as an exhibitor
Option to speak for up to 2 minutes about your business during the program

(Available to non-dues-paying members subject to board approval.)

Company name in e-blast announcements and reminders for the event
Company logo on Convention promo page (with a link to your website!)
Company name on website main page while event is featured
Display table for signage and marketing materials during full 3-day convention

Complimentary registration to the convention for one person (includes standard registration and meals, does not include your accommodations or any add-ons)

List of event attendees following the convention
Recognition during the program as an exhibitor with multiple “Exhibitor Breaks” throughout the convention

Option to speak from the main stage for up to one minute about your business on the first day of the convention

Option to do a raffle drawing on the second day of the convention (you must supply your own bowl, tickets, prize, etc.)

Thank you
Keith Wallace


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